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The Big Picture, Part II


All previously discussed concepts should provide a solid foundation to explore some code examples.
We'll now revisit the Hello World guide and offer a much-needed explanation of the code you ran earlier.

That code produced one of the most basic infrastructure possible in AWS - a S3 bucket that hosts static website files. The model and resource graphs are below.

Code Dissection

Let's revisit relevant parts of the code, but with more explanation.

imports: [S3WebsiteSaveManifestModule],
export class AppModule implements IModule<App> {
async onInit(): Promise<App> {
// ...

We begin with a Module. The AppModule imports the pre-defined S3WebsiteSaveManifestModule which is provided in the octo-aws-cdk library. That module is responsible for generating a S3 manifest to track all the files uploaded to the website.
Every module must implement IModule<T> where T is the return type. You can return anything, including void.
The onInit() method is where the module logic is implemented.

async onInit(): Promise<App> {
const app = new App('octo-test');

const service = new S3StaticWebsiteService(RegionId.AWS_US_EAST_1A, BUCKET_NAME);

await service.addSource(websiteSourcePath);

return app;

Within the onInit() method we create an app, a S3StaticWebsiteService service, and point it to the website directory where our static files live.

const octo = new Octo();
await octo.initialize(new LocalStateProvider(octoStatePath), [{ type: EventLoggerListener, options: {} }]);

The main.ts file is where the project is bootstrapped. The Octo class is initialized by passing a StateProvider. We are using the LocalStateProvider which will store the state in a local file.
Optionally, we also pass the EventLoggerListener listener which provides logging support to debug Octo.

await octo.compose();
const app = octo.getModuleOutput<App>(AppModule) as App;

Next, we call the compose() method to get all modules to run. In this function, Octo runs the onInit() method of each registered and imported modules.
The getModuleOutput() is a helper method to collect the output from any Module.

const generator = await octo.beginTransaction(app);
const modelTransactionResult = await;
await octo.commitTransaction(app, modelTransactionResult.value);

In this last part of the code, we use the app instance to begin the transaction, which in turn traverses the app children, and generates diffs to work on. A generator is returned.
Upon calling next(), all diffs are processed in order, the S3 bucket is created, and all website files are uploaded.
The output of the generator is passed to commitTransaction() which will update the state with the new models and resources.


The beginTransaction(app, options) method returns a generator, and accepts 4 options to stop the generator at important milestones to debug the application.

  • yieldModelDiffs to output all the differences Octo found in the new model state vs the previous model state.
  • yieldModelTransaction to output Octo's model execution plan order.
  • yieldResourceDiffs to output all the differences Octo found in the new resource state vs the previous resource state.
  • yieldResourceTransaction to output Octo's resource execution plan order.

State Files

Now let's focus on the autogenerated files that represents the state of your infrastructure.


The models.json and resources.json contains serialized output of Models, Resources, and Shared Resources.
The <my-bucket-name>-manifest.json file is specific to the S3StaticWebsiteService service and contains all files of the website currently being tracked.

We implore you to open and inspect each of these files to better understand how Octo stores state!